Register bank information

Click [My Bank Information]

Enter your information

Fill in your bank details.

Confirm and apply

Confirm the contents of the form and submit the application. A confirmation email will be sent to you upon approval.

How to Register Your Bank Information


After logging in to TIGER PAY, go to [My Account] in the upper right corner of the page then select [My Bank Information].


This page will be displayed if you already have registered your bank information. If you wish to add a new bank information, click [New Bank Information].


Fill in all the required fields then click [Submit].

Note: Please fill in English letters. For IBANK, SWIFT code and branch code, please contact your bank.

For example, Mizuho bank


Check the entered information for any errors. To edit the information, click the [Back] button. Otherwise, click [Confirm]

Minnano Bank Harbor Bridge Branch
Bank Name: Minnano ginko
Branch Name: Haabaaburijji


Once approved, a notice of acceptance will be sent to your registered email address. You can now use your registered bank account to deposit and withdraw from your TIGER PAY account.

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